We invited Emilie Marc in honor of Ghent’s light festival.
She has a rare talent for capturing light in a beautiful and romantic way.

Emilie Marc is an artist who graduated from Villa Arson. She creates paintings, frescoes and ceramic objects. Nature, the landscape, the plants are at the source of her creative process. Clouds and the sky are at the origin of her paintings, they give tone, color and light to her paintings. They became for Emilie M. an obsession and an excuse to paint.

The “Portraits of Skies” exhibition brings together paintings in which the sky sometimes unfolds alone: ​​it is then the very subject of the painting, to reveal its transparency, its lightness and its voluptuousness. Sometimes it imposes itself as a setting that welcomes its subject, in order to stage the imaginary poetry of a suspended moment.

John Constable said: “For me, painting is just another word, synonymous with feeling”.

 Emilie Marc sees the exercise of painting as the very expression of an intuition, of sensations which are transformed according to the changes of colors and shapes contained in her landscapes. And when balance arrives, the composition ends.

The cloud, ephemeral and always singular, can only be held in its represented form, which is the expression of the artist's fascination.


Marjolein Labeeû


Morgane Pasqualini